Hello, We Are Exacta Results Digital

Proven Business Strategies to Grow Your Bottom Line

We use the latest developments in online marketing to help you connect with the people who need your services. Reach out today to learn how we can help you.
Find Out If We're The Right Fit

Our dedicated customer support team is here to help. Reach out anytime with questions or to request a quote for your project!

Growth Marketing for Exacta Results Companies

Exacta Results offers a full suite of digital marketing solutions from automated demand generation to inbound and outbound campaigns that target the right businesses to build your pipeline and grow your company. Learn how our unified team of experts delivers comprehensive marketing services that synergize and deliver unparalleled results for your business.

Digital Marketing Strategy
Brand Building
LinkedIn Prospecting

What Customers Look For In A Exacta Results

Traits you should have to succeed

  • Who does a customer turn to when they need a contractor? What traits should you possess for customers to take notice of your services?
  • Establishing a reputation for reliability, expertise, and dedication is the key to success as a contractor.
  • Your reputation for consistency will lead customers to trust that you only provide quality services at great prices.
  • Another important trait customers judge contractors by is punctuality – clients will appreciate punctual arrivals just as much as quick results.
  • You should also understand the requirements of different types of contracting work and strive to consistently meet these standards with every job you tackle.

Your Construction Business Growth Specialist

Navigating the marketing landscape in the construction industry can be a formidable challenge. In an environment saturated with information and intense competition, distinguishing your construction business is no small task.

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Your Financial Advisory Lead Generation Partner

Navigating the marketing landscape as a financial advisor can be an uphill battle. In an era flooded with information and fierce competition, standing out is no easy feat. The demand for financial services is high, but so is the noise.h

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Tell Your Story and Differentiate Your Brand

We'll tell your brand's unique story with your own data in a compelling way that differentiates your brand.

Develop Value Propositions that Resonate

We'll help you develop a value proposition that resonates with everyone from analysts to CISOs and others in the C Suite.

Generate Demand and Build Your Pipeline

We'll customize proven marketing strategies designed to generate demand, build your pipeline and drive conversions.

Build Momentum that Propels You Forward

We'll help you build brand awareness and momentum that propels your business to the next level.

Use the Web to Your Advantage

Internet marketing is frustrating for many small businesses, but with the right strategy in place, you can turn your online presence into a major profit booster. Here’s how we can help:

Get Marketing Strategies Tailor-Made for You

Exacta Results specializes in planning, developing and implementing profitable, cost-effective marketing initiative for small businesses.

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Online Ads and Social Media

The majority of people are regular social media users, making platforms like Facebook and Instagram a great place to advertise your business and form authentic connections with future customers.

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How Exacta Delivers Results

Learn how we’ve helped our clients:

Construction Maintenance

  1. Multiple Landing Page Issues
  2. The Issue with Existing PPC Campaigns
  3. Low Website Visibility
  4. Poor Conversion Rate
  5. High Ratio Bounce Rate
  6. High Cost Per Click
  1. Personalized Discovery & Strategy
  2. Competitive Research
  3. Keyword Discovery and Selection
  4. Ad Creative and Testing
  5. Landing Page Creation and A/B Testing
  6. Conversion & Call Tracking
  7. Ongoing Reporting & Optimization
  8. Applied Bid Strategy within Budget
  1. 86% Increase in Leads
  2. 46% Increase in CTR
  3. 30% Decrease in CPC
  4. 49% Decreased Cost Per Acquisition
  5. 117+ Conversion with $2.64 CTC

Mortgage Refinance Loan Provider

  1. High CPL due to Hyper Competition
  2. Complex Lead Distribution Process
  3. Lacked Lead Nurturing Software
  4. Audience Exhaustion due to Poor Optimization
  1. Google Smart Search Ads
  2. Revamped Remarketing Strategy
  3. New Landing Page/Nurture Software
  4. Streamlined Remarketing Lists
  1. Decrease the overall cost per lead by 50%
  2. Removed wasted ad spend of $10,000+ per month
  3. Remarketing is a primary driver of leads with CPL $4.00
  4. Implemented newer lower cast Top of Funnel campaigns to feed remarketing lists

Financial Advisors

  1. Generating Leads for Financial Products
  2. Brand Awareness
  3. Product Awareness
  4. High Cost to Generate Qualified Leads
  1. Google Search Ads
  2. Google RLSA
  3. Landing Page With Email Capture
  1. $16 Avg. Cost per Lead Through Google Ads
  2. Over 8,000 Conversions
  3. Qualified Booked Appointments at Significantly Lower Costs
  4. 25% Average Conversion Rate

General Maintenance

  1. Finding an Alternative to Home Advisor
  2. Low Brand Awareness in Targeted Area
  3. Low Traffic and Leads
  4. Low Conversion Rate 
  5. High Cost per Lead Through Current Marketing Tactics
  6. Comprehensive Marketing 
  7. Increase Brand Awareness
  1. Search Engine Optimization
  2. Google Search Ads
  3. Facebook Ads
  4. Lead Automation Using Zapier
  1. 15+ Prospects Interested in Service per Month Through Facebook & Google Ads
  2. Avg. $18-24 per Contact Through Facebook Ads

Exacta Results Digital Will Take Your Business To New Places.

Our veteran team of design professionals, digital strategists, and marketing managers partner with you every step of the way to personalize the right digital marketing solutions needed to meet your growth objectives. Contact Exacta Results Digital now!

Create a Predictable & Sustainable Pipeline

When you partner with Exacta Results Digital, you'll team up with a skilled group of marketers, writers, designers, and strategists. Together, you'll create innovative marketing programs that offer genuine value. Let's begin crafting something remarkable!
